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London mansion block with a clothes moth problem

The Cleankill team was called to a mansion block near Sloane Square in London after the residents complained about seeing clothes moths in the communal areas. On arrival, the team found severe damage to some of the carpets.

Residents were probably noticing the moths more frequently whilst they were home due to the COVID-19 lockdown, but also a period of hot and humid weather was encouraging the moths to fly. 

Keeping mice out of your office

Christmas is coming and the goose…

Well, we all know the rest of that song.

As winter really comes upon us, though, this is also a time when mice are getting fat in our offices. Perhaps it’s time for a new New Year’s resolution.

Mice are attracted to our offices for exactly the same reasons they like our homes – peace, warmth, and food.

The Growing Rat Problem

It’s been reported this week that the Queen is horrified by the rat and mice problems in Buckingham Palace. Considering the size and function of the building it is not surprising to read that it has a problem with rodents. What is surprising is that this is currently just one of many stories I’m receiving about rat and mouse problems around the world – and the trend seems to be getting worse.