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rat control

What does the wettest winter for over 100 years mean for rodents?

Britain is facing the wettest winter recorded in 130 years and the extreme rainfall is having very destructive consequences such as flooding. This weather is not only damaging homes and businesses, but also bringing another problem…rats!

Usually, the rat population decreases over the winter due to frost and cold conditions. However, the unusually mild winter has meant rats haven’t had to endure a cold climate. Without this natural form of population control, numbers have increased. Flooding means they are being driven out of natural burrows as well as sewer and drainage systems.

Finding a hidden solution for rats

Semi-rural sites with multiple buildings and manicured gardens may look beautiful and be a lovely environment in which to study, but they also offer a potential haven for pests.

We have been working with a private school in Sussex for some time, providing effective preventive pest control solutions to help keep potential rodent problems under control. As part of our strategy, traditional bait boxes were placed across the property, and during our regular visits these are checked, cleared and any missing rodenticide is replaced.